STEM help / Calculation framework Using a Transformation to define the size of another input

Certain time-series inputs can be defined as a reference to a Transformation. This mechanism allows the value of the time series to be evaluated at run time, based on the Output of the Transformation. For example, it might be useful to link the Deployment of one Resource to the number of Installed Units of another, via a Transformation – see 10.3.33 Time-series inputs.

This technique can be used to define the following inputs:

  • Service Customer Base, Penetration and Traffic per Connection
  • Customer Base Size
  • Function and Resource Deployment Sites
  • Erlang B Transformation Sites.

The different types of Transformation are described in the following pages, together with typical examples of how they might be used. When you first create a Transformation, it will be a Multiplier Transformation by default. You can change to one of the other types using the Type menu on the Input and Transformation dialog – see 4.10 Editing Transformation data.


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