STEM help / Distributable STEM

7.1.2 Gaining confidence with run-time models

Now STEM allows you to share a working model within your organisation, or even hand out such a model to a customer.  It is possible for non-licensees to vary some of the input assumptions and then re-run the model to assess the impact on results: end-users can explore the dynamics of the model and perform their own sensitivity tests, thus gaining much more confidence in the model.

New in STEM 6.1 is the concept of a run-time model, designed specifically for distribution to non-licensees.  Such a model can be re-run – in principle by anyone – using distributable run-time software components that do not require a dongle. This vastly widens the scope of use of the software: the only limitation on a run-time model is that its structure, i.e., the set of elements and their names, cannot be changed.

The facility to create a run-time model, together with the legal authority to re-distribute the run-time software components, is subject to a premium distributable STEM (D-STEM) licence agreement with Implied Logic.  Although only a D-STEM user can export run-time models, all STEM software components recognise and respect the semantics of such models; so that, for example, a conventional STEM (C-STEM) licensee will be able to modify the assumptions of a run-time model using the standard Editor without compromising its run-time status.


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