STEM help / Results program skills

5.20.2 Saving a configuration

Any alterations you make during a session to the list of results available, the graph definitions or to the results tables, using commands from the Config menu, become part of the current configuration. However, if you want to be able to use those changes in future sessions, you need to explicitly save the changes, either as the current configuration or in a configuration with another name. To save the changes in the current configuration:

  • Select Save Config from the File menu. Changes to the current configuration file are saved.

If you have not changed the configuration but try to use this command, STEM will display the warning; ‘Configuration unchanged – not saved’.

Note: Changes made to an individual graph using the Draw New command from the Edit menu or the commands in the Format menu which change the way results are presented are not recognised as changes to the configuration file.

If you want to save the configuration changes in a file with a different name:

  1. Select Save Config As… from the File menu. The Save Current Configuration dialog is displayed.
  2. Type in a name for your configuration in the text box.
  3. Press <Enter> or click OK. The results configuration is saved. If you choose or type an existing filename, a message box appears asking whether you wish to overwrite that file. If you click OK, the configuration will be overwritten.

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