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Exercise 32: Testing the market model

The flexibility to create formulae comes at a price: just like spreadsheet logic, it is imperative to verify each step of the logic. (At least you are only creating formulae where you need them.)

Save the model as WiMAX-DSL32

Global user data

  1. Experiment in turn with each of the global user data, starting with the Reach prop and DSL preference inputs (Data menu/User Data).

Save and run the model and all of its scenarios

  1. Use the pre-defined view Access technology to quickly verify the market results.

Formulae and scenario parameters

The In-reach DSL prop and In-reach WiMAX prop inputs are intermediate calculations driven from the Do DSL and Do WiMAX flags.

  1. Try changing these latter flags directly from 1.0 to 0.0 in turn to ensure that the intermediate variables update as you expect. In other words, make sure that the calculated proportions make sense in the cases where either DSL or WiMAX is not offered.

The Do DSL and Do WiMAX flags appear in purple, indicating that they are scenario parameters. The variant data for the Technology dimension show the respective values these will take in each of the DSL, WiMAX and Dual scenarios (icon menu/Variant Data).

  1. If there is time, try deleting the Technology dimension and re-creating it from scratch.

Things that you should have seen and understood

Formulae, scenario parameters
Global User Data, Dimension, Variant Data


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