STEM help / Basic concepts

3.5 How to use STEM

The remainder of this section provides a simple introduction to STEM for the first-time user. It shows you how to build a simple model (the POTS model) using some of the basic tools that are available in STEM.

It includes instructions on:

  • building a model
  • entering model data
  • running the model
  • viewing the results of a model
  • printing out results from a model.

For more detailed description of these procedures see 4. Editor skills and 5. Results program skills.

The POTS model represents the supply of local exchange switching capacity in response to a demand from a Service Telephony. The demand is met through a Function Local Switching which is performed by Resources called Analogue Local Exchange (gradually replaced over the lifetime of the model by digital exchanges). These are dimensioned on the basis of busy-hour traffic.

The figure below shows how the POTS model appears in the Editor.

Note: STEM has a standard Windows keyboard interface with menu items available using <Alt> and another key, and use of the <Ctrl> key in association with another key to perform certain functions. The procedures described here use the mouse interface which may be easier at first. More details about procedures are contained in 4. Editor skills.

The POTS model


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