STEM help / Exchanging data

6.7.4 Copying time-series data to and from the clipboard

Time series data can be exchanged directly with spreadsheets and other Interpolated-Series dialogs. The data is copied as tab-separated text to and from the Windows clipboard. When the focus is in the grid:

  • select the text you wish to copy, using either <Shift + left-click> or <Shift> and the arrow keys,
  • select Copy from the dialog Edit menu or press <Ctrl + C>,
  • paste your selection into Excel (or Notepad).

Figure 1: Copying data from an Interpolated Series and pasting into Notepad

Data from one interpolated series can also be copied (or cut) and pasted into another interpolated series in the same way.

Figure 2: Copying data from one Interpolated Series and pasting into another using the Paste Values command

Alternatively, you can copy all the data and labels, using the Copy all Text command from the dialog Edit menu.

Figure 3: Copying all data and labels from an Interpolated Series and pasting into Excel

Data from Excel (or notepad) can also be copied and pasted into an Interpolated Series in the STEM editor using the Paste Values command from the dialog Edit menu.


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