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Exercise 18: The requirement for space

Watch the video presentation and/or read the full text below

The stated assumption is that each chassis requires 0.5 sq m of floor space. The other resources are either contained within or placed upon the chassis, so the space required is just a function of the number of chassis installed. The way this requirement is captured is a generalisation of the technique we used in Exercise 13 to drive the chassis itself:

  1. Create a new transformation, and name it Space required.
  2. Connect from the Access chassis resource to the transformation, using the quick-link target again to pre-select Basis = Installed Units.
  3. Open the Input and Transformation dialog. The Input is already wired up.
  4. Set the Output Unit and Multiplier inputs as shown below. (We didn’t need to set the Multiplier last time because each card required exactly one slot in the chassis.)
  5. Connect on from the transformation to the Space resource, and choose Requirements as the resource input to set as before.

Figure 40: The Multiplier input governs the overhead in sq m per chassis, independent of the pricing unit

This means that each installed unit of the chassis requires 0.5 sq m of capacity from the Space resource.

We can quickly check the arithmetic:

  1. Run the model. The Results program is activated.
  2. Draw the graph Instantaneous Output for the transformation, Space required. You should see that this starts at 12.5 sq m (0.5 sq m × 25 units), and then gradually increases to 14 sq m as additional chassis are installed.
  3. We should expect the monthly opex for Space to rise to USD 1400 (USD 100 × 14), corresponding to an annual opex of USD 16 800.
  4. Add Space to the stacked Operating Costs graph. (Why not Capital Expenditure?)
  5. Show as a separate table to check the numbers. How many sq m are being charged for in Y1?

Figure 41: The opex for Space is not quite proportional to the Space required in sq m

Things that you should have seen and understood

Multiplier, Instantaneous Output


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