STEM help / Training / Two-hour tutorial demo

Exercise 15: Equipment capacity based on collective use of the service

Watch the video presentation and/or read the full text below

Customers connect to use a network (more generally, a business function), and their use can be measured in two different ways, namely the Traffic Volume and Busy Hour Traffic. These results correspond to the cumulative volume of traffic carried (or work done) in a period, and the fastest, instantaneous rate at which the network must carry that traffic (or do that work). Please review the relevant service inputs, as described in Exercise 3.

In this simple exercise, we are concerned only with the Busy Hour Traffic, and ‘how fast the Uplink needs to go’. We will revert to the service, because the other resources have no awareness of the traffic. We will learn how to create a requirement for the Uplink on a basis other than Connections:

  1. Press <Ctrl+Q>, and then click the service to start the ‘connection’.
  2. This time, avoid the quick-link target which appears when you hover over the Uplink resource, and instead click somewhere else on the background of the icon. A prompt appears to choose the service Basis for the requirement, with numerous options as illustrated below.
  3. Select Busy Hour Traffic and click OK (or press <Enter>). The other options are beyond the scope of this tutorial. The service is linked to the resource. This is still a requirement link, but the thicker green arrow highlights the non-default basis.

Figure 36: The thick green arrow indicates a requirement on the basis of Busy Hour Traffic (non-default)

This option signifies that each unit of busy-hour traffic requires one unit of capacity of the resource.

One might expect the distribution of traffic to be somehow linked to the simulated distribution of customers between sites. However, there will be an independent variation in traffic between customers too. At this level of detail, there is no justification for any more subtle approach than just simulating the traffic distribution independently.

With more time, and sufficient data, the option remains to model the sites individually as alluded to at the end of Exercise 14 above.

  1. Connect the location to the Uplink resource.
  2. Double-click the location link and set Distribution = Extended Monte Carlo.

Figure 37: The four principal, connectivity resources are now all linked directly or indirectly from the service

Things that you should have seen and understood

Choose service basis for requirement


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