STEM’s integrated scenario manager in STEM 7.5 reduces the need to compare different models directly, as it is now more manageable to compare multiple scenarios in the same model. However, the functionality still exists to load more than one model in the results program, and it can be a useful way to compare different versions of the same model or to compare the overall results of two different models – see 5.21.3 Working with several models.
Multiple models are treated like scenarios: the Scenarios tab will be displayed in the Draw interface if more than one set of results is loaded, even if neither set of results actually includes any scenarios. Depending on your previous selections in the Scenarios tab, the models may be shown in a dimensional view in which each scenario space is listed separately under the corresponding model name, and selection of scenarios from one model is completely separate from selection of scenarios from another model in the list.
Figure 1: Independent selection of DSL variant in two versions of the WiMAX model
However, if you prefer, you can check the Linear Selection option, such that each model name is listed linearly in the Scenarios tab, together with any associated scenarios. Each scenario is prefixed with the model name when the scenarios are presented as a linear selection, enabling you to differentiate clearly between separate models.
Figure 2: Linear display of two sets of results and associated scenarios in the Scenarios tab
This list will become very long and cumbersome if there are multiple model/scenario combinations, so it is likely that most users will prefer to use the dimensional view.
This functionality makes it straightforward to compare results between models. In the future we may even treat model names like another dimension if both models have an identical scenario structure, as may be the case for two different versions of the same model.