STEM help / Training / Two-hour tutorial demo

Exercise 6: Connecting the service to the resource

Watch the video presentation and/or read the full text below

Unlike this tutorial model, a STEM model typically comprises many separate service and resource elements, the majority of which are not directly related. We will use a separate tool to connect those elements which are, and to specify the basis for that connection. The actionable links thus created are just as important as the elements themselves.

  1. Click the Connect button on the toolbar (or press <Ctrl+Q>, or select Connect from the main Element menu). The Editor enters ‘connect mode’, and the mouse cursor changes to match the image on the Connect button.
  2. Click once on the icon for the Broadband connectivity service. Now a thick grey line is ghosted from the icon to the mouse cursor.
  3. Hover over the icon for the Optical interface resource, but don’t click just yet! A ‘green square’ appears over the bottom-left of the icon. This quick-link target enables you to avoid unnecessary prompts in the most common link contexts.
  4. Click again on the green square. A green arrow is drawn between the elements. This is a requirement link.
  5. Hover over the green arrow. A popup ‘tooltip’ describes the link between the elements as a Requirement for the resource with Basis = Connections.

Figure 16: Reviewing the basis of the requirement link from the service to the resource

The green arrow indicates a requirement link and denotes that each service connection requires one unit of capacity of the resource. The roll-out for this resource is easy to predict (why?), but the results will be more interesting as we add the other resources.

This most common basis was selected automatically by clicking the quick-link target. We will see later on how to choose and then review other bases, such as Busy Hour Traffic.

Things that you should have seen and understood

Connect button, quick-link target
Requirement link, Basis


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