We now consider what happens if, instead of replacing Analogue Local Exchanges with Digital Local Exchanges, we use Analogue Local Exchanges to satisfy 50% of incremental demand and Digital Local Exchanges for the other 50%.
- Sketch the effect this would have on demand for each type of Local Exchange.
- Predict the proportion of the network which will be supported by each type of Local Exchange at the end of the model run.
Load the POTS_2 model into the Editor and save it as POTS_3.
Move to the Requirements dialog for the Telephony Service and modify the settings so that in the year 2004, both types of exchange satisfy 0.5 of the incremental demand and replacement needs of the model.
Save and run the model, then:
- Compare the results with your predictions.
- Explain the results you find.
Now modify POTS_3 so that the Digital Local Exchange Resource has a Lifetime of 10 years and twice the existing Capital Cost so that its Depreciation will be the same. What effect do you think this will have on the model? Save it as POTS_4 and run it.