The sum over all Debt Facilities of their respective credit balances.
Include: Essential
Balance (N)
The balance of credit of a particular Debt Facility, namely the amount of funding that has been provided by that facility.
Include: Advanced
Balance Sheet Check
A cross-check to ensure that the balance sheet adds up (i.e., iteration complete).
Total Assets minus Total Liabilities minus Equity (should be zero).
Include: Advanced
Balance0 after Amortisation
The balance of credit after any amortisation. Does not include any new borrowing this period.
Include: Advanced
Balancing Variable
An intermediate variable, used to calculate Share Capital and Net Borrowing.
Net Tangible Assets plus Net Intangible Assets plus Debtors minus the sum of Creditors, Tax Payable and Dividends Payable.
Note: For the sake of compactness, this balancing variable is shown as ‘x’ in Understanding the equations.
Include: Advanced
Borrowing Float Interest
The interest charged on the Long-Term Borrowing Float (namely, on any loans not covered by specific Debt Facilities).
The Borrowing Rate multiplied by the average Long-Term Borrowing Float over the year:

where rn is the Borrowing Rate, Bn
is the Long-Term Borrowing balance at the end of year n, and Bn–1
is the initial Long-Term Borrowing input.
Include: Standard
Borrowing Interest
The money spent on interest payments for long-term borrowing by the network.
The sum of Debt Interest Expense and Borrowing Float Interest.
Include: Standard
Borrowing Payable after One Yr.
The amount of Long-Term Borrowing which must be re-paid beyond the coming year, shown as a long-term liability on the balance sheet.
Long-Term Borrowing multiplied by one minus the Borrowing Payable Proportion input.
Include: Standard
Borrowing Rate
The annual interest rate for Long-Term Borrowing. This is the cost of money borrowed to finance investment.
The Borrowing Rate input.
Include: Standard
Break-Even Point (ZTV)
The elapsed time required for the NPV to break even.
The elapsed time from the beginning of Y1 to the end of the most recent period when NPV (Zero Terminal Value) goes non-negative if it has previously been negative. In fact, STEM calculates an interpolated time based on how positive it was at the end of the period compared to how negative it was at the beginning.
Include: Standard
Buildings Charge
The sum of the Operating Charge for all Resources in a Collection named literally ‘Buildings’, if one has been created in the model. This result features in the predefined graph Network Revenue and Categorised Charges.
You can define similar results for any specific category of cost that you wish to include on a Network graph. (It is only possible to combine both Service and Resource results in order to show a breakdown of revenues or charges in a Network graph).
See 5.17.4 Categorised financials.
Include: Advanced
Busy Hour Traffic
The amount of traffic carried in the busy hour of the day.
The Annual Traffic per Connection multiplied by the number of Connections (both of which may be influenced by tariff feedback to demand), divided by the Busy Days per Year input, multiplied by the Prop. of Traffic in Busy Hour input, divided by the Annual to Busy-Hour Unit Ratio input.
Note: This result is always calculated from the number of Connections at the end of the year.
Include: Essential
Service, Market Segment