STEM help / Calculation framework

Results beginning with ‘S’

Sequence (N)

Used to identify in what sequence Debt Facilities should be approached for borrowing. (Only those Debt Facilities with the lowest Sequence will be considered in a given iteration.)

Sequence Index, if a Debt Facility is Available and has spare credit.

Include: Advanced

Sequence Index

Used to identify in what sequence Debt Facilities should be approached for borrowing.

The Sequence Index input.

Include: Advanced

Share Capital

The book value of paid-up share capital, i.e., the amount of capital invested by the owners of the business.

Note: x represents the Balancing Variable, as explained in Understanding the equations.

Note: Share Capital, and hence Equity, must be calculated before Net Borrowing, as the amount of Share Capital is not allowed to decrease.

Include: Standard


The number of sites over which demand is spread.

For Functions, Resources and Erlang Transformations: the Sites input.

Include: Essential


The number of potential customers represented by a Market Segment element, which can be defined directly as a time series or as a reference to a separate Transformation element.

The Size input.

Include: Essential

Slack Capacity

The installed capacity of Resources, not required to satisfy demand, but possibly required to satisfy any maximum-utilisation or deployment constraints.

For a Resource: Installed Capacity minus Used Capacity minus Used Up Capacity.

Consolidation: Last.

Include: Essential

Slack Connection Cost

The Connection Cost arising from slack capacity of Resources.

Allocated on the basis of current and historical usage of Resources.

Include: Standard

Slack Deprec. and Amort.

The Depreciation and Amortisation arising from slack capacity of Resources.

For a Service: allocated on the basis of current and historical usage of Resources.

Include: Standard

Slack Maintenance Cost

The Maintenance Cost arising from slack capacity of Resources.

For a Service: allocated on the basis of current and historical usage of Resources.

Include: Standard

Slack Net Fixed Assets

The Net Fixed Assets associated with slack capacity of Resources.

For a Service: allocated on the basis of current and historical usage of Resources.

Include: Standard

Slack Rental Cost

The Rental Cost arising from slack capacity of Resources.

For a Service: allocated on the basis of current and historical usage of Resources.

Include: Standard

Slack Units

The number of units of a Resource which are wholly slack, but may be required to satisfy any maximum-utilisation or deployment constraints.

Installed Units minus Used Units, which is the same as the sum of Utilisation Units, Deployment Units and Redundant Units.

Include: Standard


The beginning of the term for a Debt Facility.

The Start Date input.

Include: Advanced

STEM 5.0 Working Capital

Working Capital as modelled in STEM 5.0. This was a debtors-only model and is added into the Debtors result to maintain compatibility with STEM 5.0.

The Base Level input, plus the Operating Charge multiplied by the Ratio of Charge input.

Include: Advanced


The remaining value of consumable resources which have been purchased but not yet used.

Consolidation: Last.

Include: Standard

Stock Charge

The total Stock value released on consumable resources, used to calculate profitability.

For a consumable resource: Stock Consumed plus Stock Written Off.

Consolidation: Sum.

Include: Standard

Stock Consumed

The Stock value released on consumable resources, used to calculate profitability.

For a consumable resource: Stock Purchases charged in proportion to actual consumption as the capacity is used up.

Consolidation: Sum.

Include: Standard

Stock Historical Value

The gross book value of stock; i.e., the total original value of the consumable resources which have not yet been fully used up and discarded.

The total Stock Purchases on consumable resources still installed in the network.

Consolidation: Last.

Include: Standard

Stock Purchases

The current expenditure on new consumable resources.

For a consumable resource: Incremental Units multiplied by the Unit Cost, which is governed by the Calibration Period per-unit Capital Cost input, together with the Capital Cost Structure and any Economies of Scale.

Consolidation: Sum.

Include: Standard

Stock Written Off

The Stock value released on unused consumable resources, used to calculate profitability.

For a consumable resource: residual Stock value when any unused stock is discarded at the end of its shelf life.

Consolidation: Sum.

Include: Standard

Surplus Cash

Cash which is surplus to the requirements of the business, split between Cash Deposits and Investments.

Equal to Net Surplus Cash, if the latter is positive, otherwise zero. (Negative Net Surplus Cash is shown as Long-Term Borrowing.)

Include: Standard


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