You can draw graphs of results and display results as tables.
Graphs are drawn on the basis of a graph definition which comprises: the results the graph displays, the type of graph (line, column, graph, etc.) and how and whether titles and axes are displayed – see Defining graphs and tables.
STEM is shipped with a standard set of graph definitions in a default configuration file.
Graphs may contain single or multiple results according to user choice. As well as drawing graphs from one set of model results, individual graphs can also be drawn which contain results from more than one model. It is also possible to ‘drill down’ into a graph of a derived result to see the precedent results and values from which it was calculated – see 5.9 Auditing derived results.
Select Draw… from the Graphs menu to choose from the list of pre-defined graphs, or select Draw New… to choose from the complete list of defined results.