Graphs can be displayed in three different ways for comparison (on an element or scenario basis) through the selection of options in the Choose Elements to Draw dialog (or the Choose Scenarios and Sensitivities to Draw dialog). The default mode is None.
This default mode displays the raw graph data using the Type and Style of graph defined in the configuration.
This mode displays the graph data in a format that shows the differences between the elements/scenarios selected for drawing. The element/scenario selected in the Base drop-down list box is used as the base against which the other element(s)/scenario(s) are compared.
This option is only available if more than one element/scenario is selected from the list box.
This mode displays the graph data as a proportion using the element/scenario selected in the Base drop-down list box as the base element/scenario against which all the others are compared.
This list box contains the element(s)/scenario(s) from which you choose the one against which you want to make a comparison using the Difference or Quotient options. By default the first element/scenario in the list box is used as the base, if no other choice is made.