STEM help / Results program skills

5.5.1 Aggregating or selecting sub-annual data

When defining results (using the Define Results option from the Config menu in the Results program), STEM allows you to define how each result will be consolidated when calculating quarterly results from monthly results, and annual results from quarterly or monthly results.

Sum: If the result represents a quantity over a period, such as Revenue, Annual Traffic or an Operating Cost, then it must be summed over each sub-period. For example, Revenue in year n is aggregated as:

RevenueYn = RevenueQ1Yn + RevenueQ2Yn + RevenueQ3Yn + RevenueQ4Yn

First: If a result represents a current value at the beginning of a period, then clearly the first sub-period result must be used. For example, Rental Tariff for year n is selected as:

Rental TariffYn = Rental TariffQ1Yn

Last: If a result is simply a current value, such as Service Connections or Resource Installed Units, then just one sub-period value must be taken to represent the period as a whole. Both the Connections and Installed Units results are reported for the end of a period. For example, Connections for year n is selected as:

ConnectionsYn = ConnectionsQ4Yn

Quotient: If a result is defined as the quotient of two other results, x/y, then this option returns the quotient of the consolidated forms of those two results, consol(x)/consol(y). For a direct output from the model engine (‘primitive result’), a denominator is associated with the result in default.cnf in order to facilitate a suitable weighted average of its consolidated values. For example, the network annual Deprec. and Amort./Conn result is calculated as the quotient of the consolidated annual Depreciation and Amortisation and Connections results.

Average: STEM will use the average value of the mothly or quarterly values. For example, the Traffic per Average Connection result is calculated using the average connections over a period (Average Connections) rather than the number of connections at the end of the period (Connections).


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