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5.4.1 Drawing a comparison graph

A scenario comparison graph can be drawn using the comparison controls (Base and Operation) in the Draw dialog:

  1. Enter the Draw dialog and select the element(s) of interest in the Elements tab (e.g., Network).
  2. In the Graphs tab, select the result you want to graph (e.g., NPV).
  3. Switch to the Scenarios tab and select the scenarios of interest (e.g., Dual/None, Dual/Base, Dual/All and Dual/Just Video).
  4. Select the appropriate operation (e.g., Difference) from the Operation drop-down menu in the Comparison control section.

See 5.4.2 Operations for further explanation of each operation.

Figure 1: Selection of Difference operation from the Operation drop-down menu

  1. Determine which scenario you want to be your base scenario (e.g., Dual/Base). Select this scenario from the Base drop-down menu in the Comparison control section at the bottom of the dialog.
  2. Alternatively, you can drag the desired scenario from the Selected box to the Comparison area. You have to drag ‘right a bit’, avoiding the Selected box, so that it understands you are not trying to change the selection. The Operation will be set to Difference automatically if not previously defined.

Figure 2: Dragging the base scenario (Dual/Base) ‘right a bit’ and onto the Base drop-down menu

Note: notice that the scenario selected as the base is displayed alongside the Operation box (i.e., ‘vs Dual/Base’). This is displayed across all tabs for clarity.

  1. Press OK to draw the graph. A graph of NPV for three scenarios compared with the Dual/Base scenario is drawn.

Figure 3: Difference graph of NPV for three scenarios compared with a base scenario (Dual/Base)

The same approach can be used to select a base element in the Elements tab (and even in the Variants tab, but that is another story).


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