STEM help / Results program skills

5.20.1 Opening a configuration

When you first load STEM model results at the beginning of a session, STEM will either load a configuration file with the same name as the model results, or, if it fails to find one, it will load the default configuration ( .cnf) file.

If you want to use a different configuration file for the loaded results:

  1. Select Open Config… from the File menu. A standard Windows file-selection dialog, Select Configuration to Load, is displayed.
  2. Type in or select the name of the configuration file you want to use.
  3. Press <Enter> or click OK. The selected configuration becomes the current configuration.

Note: If you have made changes to any configuration that you are currently using, you will be prompted to save them before the selected configuration is loaded.

Note: You can have results from more than one model loaded but you cannot have more than one configuration file open at the same time.


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