STEM help / Calculation framework

Inputs beginning with ‘G’

Global Currency Unit

The unit for all monetary inputs to the model, e.g., DM, Dollars, Pounds, Yen. Either type in a unit or choose from the drop-down list. Currencies are listed alphabetically by full currency name; each name is followed by the appropriate three-letter ISO code(s). For example, Francs is followed by BEF, CHF and FRF. STEM performs no currency conversions, and any changes in a dialog will be applied globally.

The selection has no mathematical effect on the model but the text is used to label the y-axis on results graphs.

Default: none.

Grade of Service

The grade of service parameter required in the Erlang B formula. This represents the probability of blocking on a Service, typically of the order of 0.001 for a fixed network.

Default: 0.0. This must be set to a non-zero value.


You may optionally use the same string for several consecutive fields for them to be indented and/or boxed under a sub-heading.

See 8.2.4 Export of selected inputs from the STEM model editor for further details.


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