STEM help / Data dialogs

Market Segment / Details

A Market Segment allows you to define the size of a market, using units of your choice – population, households, business size etc. Once created, the Market Segment can be referenced by different Services and the Penetration defined to calculate the Demand in Connections. You can also create new Services for a Market Segment, edit and compare data for the Services associated with that segment, and view results aggregated over the segment.

You might also want to create more than one type of Market Segment which can be referenced by different services.


The unit of connections for a Market Segment (e.g., Customers, Establishments, Homes) or sites for a Location (e.g., Links, Nodes, Cells). Either type a unit or choose from the drop-down list.

The selection has no mathematical effect on the model, but the text is used to label the y-axis on results graphs.

Default: none.


The number of potential customers represented by a Market Segment element, which can be defined directly as a time series, or as a reference to a separate Transformation element.

Default: Constant {0.0}.



The set of Services associated with a Market Segment. Use the data-dialog Edit menu to insert or remove Services, or use drag-and-drop between the corresponding icons – see 4.11.2 Editing Service data for a Market Segment.

Default: none.


The text used to identify an element in the Results program when selecting elements to draw on a graph and for labelling the subsequent graphs. If the Label is blank, the element name is used instead.

You can group a number of sensitivity parameters by giving them all the same Label. They will then be treated as a single group in the Results program.

There is also a global Label field which is just used within the Editor as an overall description for the model.

Default: none.


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