STEM help / Editor skills

4.25.3 Controlling the audit output

An audit will be generated whenever you run a model that contains an element for which an audit result has been selected. The more elements and results selected, the more information in the output. By default, the audit will be ‘interactive’, with every report for each period/element/feature displayed in successive audit windows.

Non-interactive audit

If you want to generate an audit log directly without seeing each separate report on the screen:

  1. Select Audit from the Data menu. The global Audit dialog is displayed.
  2. Set the input Interactive = No.

Subsequent model runs will not be interrupted by the audit process: you will simply be prompted to review the audit log file when a run is complete, as above.

Auditing results for a limited range of years or periods

Normally, auditing information is generated for each and every period of a model run. However, it may be that you want to understand a set of calculations in a particular range of years, or from a certain date onward.

  1. Select Audit from the Data menu. The global Audit dialog is displayed.
  2. Set the inputs Begin = Y2 and End = Y5.
  3. Run the model. Audit information is generated for Y2, Y3 and Y4 but not Y5.

If your model includes shorter time periods, audit information will be generated from the first period beginning at or after the beginning of Y2, up to, but not including, the first period beginning at or after the beginning of Y5, e.g. Q1 Y2 to Q4 Y4. Both the Begin and End inputs are specified as periods, so you can trigger auditing from or to a particular quarter or month if you prefer, or even a date.

The Global Audit dialog


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