STEM help / Data dialogs

Financial Data / Pre-Run Data

Initial Current Account

The amount of cash in the current account at the start of the model run. A negative value represents an initial overdraft.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Cash Deposits

The amount of surplus cash on deposit as liquid, short-term investments at the start of the model run.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Investments (Min.)

The amount of surplus cash in long-term investments at the start of the model run.

Note: In order to reconcile the year-zero initial values for the balance sheet with the assets calculated from the pre-run installation of Resources, the model may use a higher value for one of Initial Investments and Initial Long-Term Borrowing inputs than was entered in the Editor. If the calculated assets are too high, Initial Long-Term Borrowing will be increased by the required amount, whereas if the calculated assets are too low, Initial Investments will be increased by the deficit.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Tax Payable

The amount of tax owing at the start of the model run, which will be paid in the first year of the model run. In subsequent years, Tax Payable is calculated from the Pre-Tax Profit, Tax Rate and Current Year Tax Proportion.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Dividends Payable

The amount of dividends outstanding at the start of the model run, which will be paid in the first year of the model run. In subsequent years, Dividends Payable is calculated from the Net Profit, Dividend Rate and Current Year Dividend Proportion.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Long-Term Borrowing (Min.)

The level of funding raised by long-term borrowing at the start of the model run.

Note: In order to reconcile the year-zero initial values for the balance sheet with the assets calculated from the pre-run installation of Resources, the model may use a higher value for one of Initial Investments and Initial Long-Term Borrowing inputs than was entered in the Editor. If the calculated assets are too high, Initial Long-Term Borrowing will be increased by the required amount; whilst if the calculated assets are too low, Initial Investments will be increased by the deficit.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Share Capital

The book value of paid-up share capital for the network at the start of the model run.

Default: 0.0.

Initial Retained Earnings

The amount of cumulative retained profit to date at the start of the model run.

Default: 0.0.


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