In this dialog, you enter the details of Service Costs relating to Administration and Provision in the Calibration Period. You also access the Cost Allocation dialog where, if you have specified a wholly or partially Cost-Dependent Tariff policy, these costs are apportioned to each of the three tariffs – Connection, Usage and Rental.
Admin Cost
The Calibration Period value of the administration cost per period (as defined by the Cost Period input) for each connection to a Service (e.g., the cost of billing customers), independent of Resources used.
Default: 0.0.
Provision Cost
The one-off cost of providing a new connection to a Service in the Calibration Period (e.g., assigning a number, setting up billing) independent of Resources used.
Applies to all new connections to a Service, including those caused by churn.
Default: 0.0.
Cost Trends