STEM help / Editor skills

4.6.7 Keyboard and mouse interface for data dialogs

The following tables provide a concise summary of the keyboard and mouse actions available in the Normal, Edit and Reference Modes for data dialogs. For an explanation of Reference Mode, see 4.12 Creating formulae and internal references.

Keyboard Actions
Tab/Shift+Tab Move forwards/backwards one field
Cursor up/down/left/right Move the current field in the indicated direction (left/right apply to tabular dialogs)
PgUp/PgDn Move a page up/down the current column of fields
Home/End Move to the left/right extreme of the current row of data fields (in tabular dialogs)
Ctrl+PgUp/Ctrl+PgDn Move a page to the left/right in the current row of data fields
Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+End Move to the top left corner/bottom right corner of the grid
Shift+ Holding the Shift key down with any of the above movement keys causes a selection of fields to be made or extended
F2 key Places you in Edit Mode, current formula unaffected
Enter Pushes buttons, otherwise places you in Edit Mode
Delete Places you in Edit Mode, removing the whole formula
Backspace Places you in Edit Mode, removing the last character of the formula
Other keyboard input Places you in Edit Mode; what you have typed replaces the formula
Mouse Actions
Left-click Selects a field, also presses a button field. If the Left-click is over the formula bar, then this places you in Edit Mode
Shift+Left-click Presses a button and leaves the current dialog on the screen. Extends the selection to the field clicked on
Ctrl+Left-click Selects the clicked field – will never press a button field
Right-click Selects the clicked field – will never press a button field
Left-click+drag Creates a selection of fields (except from a button)
Right-click+drag Creates a selection of fields
Ctrl+Left-click+drag Drag and drop interface for copying fields
Ctrl+Right-click+drag Drag and drop interface for copying fields

Figure 1: Keyboard and mouse interface – normal mode

Keyboard Actions
Tab/Shift+Tab Confirms the edit, moves onto the next/previous field
Cursor movements Moves the cursor within the formula being edited
Shift+Cursor Selects text within the formula
Enter key Completes the edit
Escape key Cancels the edit
F2 key Toggles between Edit Mode and Reference Mode
Mouse Actions
Left-click Within the formula bar, moves the cursor. Outside the formula bar, pastes a reference to the clicked field into the formula
Shift+Left-click Places you in Reference Mode – presses a button (leaving the current dialog on the screen)
Right-click Places you in Reference Mode – will never press a button
Click on one of: Cancels or completes the edit

Figure 2: Keyboard and mouse interface – edit mode

Keyboard Actions
Tab/Shift+Tab Moves the focus within the grid
Cursor movements Moves the focus within the grid
Enter key Completes the edit
Shift+Enter Pushes a button
Escape key Takes you back to Edit Mode
F2 key Toggles between Edit Mode and Reference Mode
Other input Entered into formula, without leaving Reference Mode
Mouse Actions
Left-click Within the formula bar takes you back to Edit Mode. Outside the formula bar, moves the focus within the grid, but will not push a button
Shift+Left-click Moves the focus within the grid and pushes a button
Right-click Moves the focus within the grid, but will not push a button
Click on one of: Cancels or completes the edit

Figure 3: Keyboard and mouse interface – reference mode


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